广东畜牧兽医科技 ›› 2023, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (4): 25-29.DOI: 10.19978/j.cnki.xmsy.2023.04.05

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猪伪狂犬病活疫苗(Bartha⁃K61株,传代细胞源) 生产用毒种不同代次生物学特性的研究

丘成文1 ,赖月辉1* ,齐冬梅1 ,吴文福1 ,侯高伟1 ,周晓敏1 ,陈坚1 ,徐少珠1 , 张国丽1 ,陈建凯1,2 ,张璞1,2 ,曾垠涛1   

  1. (1.广东永顺生物制药股份有限公司,广东 广州 511356 2.佛山科学技术学院生命科学与工程学院,广东 佛山 528231)
  • 出版日期:2023-08-17 发布日期:2023-08-18
  • 通讯作者: 赖月辉

Study on the Biological Characteristics of Different Generations of Porcine Pseudorabies Live Vaccine (Bartha􀆼 K61 Strain,Cell Line Origin) in Swine Production

QIU Chengwen1 ,LAI Yuehui1* ,QI Dongmei1 ,WU Wenfu1 ,HOU Gaowei1 ,ZHOU Xiaomin1 ,CHEN Jian1 , XU Shaozhu1 ,ZHANG guo li1 ,CHEN Jiankai1,2 ,ZHANG Pu1 ,2 ,ZENG Yintao1   

  1. (1.Guangdong winsun bio?phamaceutical co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou Guangdong 511356; 2.College of life science and engineering,Foshan University,Foshan Guangdong 528231)
  • Online:2023-08-17 Published:2023-08-18

摘要: 将猪伪狂犬病活疫苗(Bartha?K61株,传代细胞源)基础毒种F7传至F13,并将PRV F8~PRV F13六个代次毒种接种仔猪进行安全性检验,PRV F8、PRV F10、PRV F13三个代次毒 种接种仔猪进行免疫原性检验,用以研究猪伪狂犬病活疫苗(Bartha?K61株,传代细胞源)生产 用毒种不同代次生物学特性。安全性检验结果显示,各代次毒种经颈部肌肉接种仔猪,观察 期内仔猪精神、食欲、体温均正常;免疫原性检验结果显示,免疫组仔猪攻毒后精神、食欲、体温 均正常,对照组仔猪攻毒后体温升高,全部发病并死亡。以上结果表明,猪伪狂犬病活疫苗 (Bartha?K61株,传代细胞源)不同代次的生产毒种对仔猪均安全且保持良好的免疫原性。

关键词: 猪伪狂犬病活疫苗; 生产用毒种; 安全性检验; 免疫原性检验; 生物学特 性

Abstract: To study the biological characteristics of different generations of porcine pseudorabies live vaccinetemperature of piglets in the immune group were normal after post ?infection with PRV GD1 strain;while the body temperature of piglets in the control group was increased after post ?infection with PRV GD1 strain,and all of them became ill and died. These results indicated that the different generations of porcine pseudorabies live vaccine(Bartha? K61 strain,cell line origin)production virus seeds were safe and maintained good immunogenicity to piglets. (Bartha ? K61 strain,cell line origin)production virus seeds,the porcine pseudorabies live vaccine(Bartha ? K61 strain,cell line origin)basic virus seed F7 was continuously passaged to F13,and six generations of PRV F8—PRV F13 were inoculated with piglets for safety test,and three generations of PRV F8、PRV F10 and PRV F13 were inoculated with piglets for immunogenicity test. The results of the safety test showed that the spirit,appetite,and body temperature of piglets were normal during the observation period after each generation of production virus seeds were inoculated on the neck muscles;the results of the immunogenicity test showed that the spirit,appetite,and body

Key words: Porcine pseudorabies live caccine; Production virus seeds; Safety test; Immunogenicity test; Biological characteristics
